Embracing the romantic picturesque city.
The cloud is in love with the verdant mountains, while people are also longing to live in the Shining Resort in Tianmu, Taipei. The alfresco observation deck is surrounded by see-through glass on all sides, while the lightweight construction material not only blurs the boundary between building and environment but also offers an unobstructed view of the nearby mountains. The water colored mosaic tiles at the bottom of the sky pool matches the color of the sky reflecting off the water surface to form an azure-colored mirror. In the magnificent afternoon, I took a leisurely swim in the water, and when I became tired, I laid back on the deck chair to appreciate the clouds drifting by above. I also enjoyed basking under the warmth of the sunshine sprinkling down through the pergola. In here, I can admire the infinite beauty of the sceneries and landscapes all year round.
山巒疊翠,雲戀山頭,人呢 ? 則戀上了台北天母的鄉林大境。頂樓的露天賞景區以透明玻璃圍造四周,輕透的建材模糊了邊界,使前方環繞的山景不受阻隔;Sky Pool池底的水色系馬賽克磚,與映照於水面的天色,形成一片湛藍明鏡。那一個美好的下午,我在水裡悠游,累了便在躺椅上看著天邊雲朵飄飄,或享受格柵飛簷下灑落的陽光,這裡的景緻無限精彩,山光水色全年無休。