山水自然流動──鄉林 皇居公設
POMO Lounge
The Moving Meditator.
“POMO” is a technique in Chinese painting that involves mixing water with ink and splashing it onto alum paper. The artist then transforms the shapes on the paper into mountains and clouds, according to the color and form of the ink pattern, randomly composing it into a painting. “POMO LOUNGE,” winner of the silver award of Italian design prize “A' Design Award and Competition,” is a design based on the common areas of an Emperor’s Place. This building uses great amounts of natural materials and expresses space like an ink painting. It extends the vision, reinserting the concept of ink painting into a modern leisure space, using mirror-like flooring and pools to blur boundaries, combining city views into the building.
「POMO」即潑墨為國畫一種畫法,其技法為以水調墨潑灑在礬紙絹上,而後就墨色濃淡、墨跡大小,化為山為雲、染而成畫。A' Design Award 義大利設計大獎 ( A' Design Award and Competition ) 室內設計銀獎「POMO LOUNGE」鄉林皇居公共設施設計,POSAMO 十邑設計運用大量自然材質有如潑墨般揮灑空間,延伸了視覺焦點,重新將山水概念帶入現代空間,利用如鏡的地板、水池,延伸視覺、模糊邊界,鄉林皇居讓城市的景色一同融入內部空間。
鄉林-皇居-POMO LOUNGE-A Design Award and Competition-International Design Award-IDA
"The mountains and streams have allowed me to speak for them."「
The overflowing water creates a mirror-like surface that extends the vision, at the same time blurring spatial boundaries. Landscape paintings are the essence of Eastern Art. The nobility express their inner emotions through landscape paintings, and pour their feelings into the images, thus “the mountains and streams have allowed me to speak for them.” This “surface” blurs spatial boundaries and creates a unique space, also accentuating the essence of Eastern culture and depicting the special sentiments of the space. The changing clouds are reflected on the water’s surface, just like images in paintings, dynamic and still at the same time. The ground echoes flowing movements that are like landscape paintings on the walls, creating a poetic and fluid space. 
「 山川使予代山川而言也 」
溢流之水產生鏡面,是視覺的延伸,同時模糊空間的邊際。山水畫為東方藝術的精髓,仕紳藉由潑墨抒發內心中情感將情感注入畫中,而「山川使予代山川而言也 ...」即其意境。本處以「面」模糊了邊界,創造出空間獨特性,並點綴出東方文化氣息,勾勒出空間特有的情感,鏡面水映出空中變化的雲,有如畫中亦動亦靜之景,地板映出牆面如山水畫的流動感,成為流動的詩意空間。
鄉林-皇居-POMO LOUNGE-A Design Award and Competition-International Design Award-IDA
鄉林-皇居-POMO LOUNGE-A Design Award and Competition-International Design Award-IDA
鄉林-皇居-POMO LOUNGE-A Design Award and Competition-International Design Award-IDA
Create a dialogue between man and nature, extending the vision to the glass French windows. Apply the scene borrowing techniques of gardens south of the lower Yangzi River, the views of green trees are inserted into the interior, becoming a central focus. 
Editor / Creative and Research Department
Date   / January 1, 2015

關鍵字:POSAMO,by CCPlan,十邑設計,十邑空間規劃,涵碧美學,酒店式公寓,A Design Award,POMO Lounge

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