與水筆仔共舞──鄉林 山海滙公設
A magnificent city is blessed with vibrant, meandering rivers. With a view of Mt. Guanyin and the Tamsui River in the distance, the sprawling mangrove at the intersection of the river and the sea portrays the concept of limitless vivacity that is embodied in the kandelia's powerful, entwined roots. The overall imagery serves as the inspiration for the original design.  Rising out of the water with the glass elevator, the kandelia-inspired lobby stretches like the limber torso of a dancer, complementing nature amid the rippling light. The design has taken Italy by storm to snatch the 2014 A'Design Award.
一座美麗的城,總有繽紛的河道蜿蜒。遠眺觀音山與淡水河,河海交界處是最高緯度的紅樹林,水筆仔堅強盤根、蘊藏無限生命力的意念,成為設計的原始靈感。隨著玻璃帷幕電梯突破水面,水筆仔大廳如舞者伸展,波光粼粼間,舉手投足皆與自然相映照,驚豔義大利,摘下2014 A Design Award設計大獎。

Take a stroll through the lobby, the light reflecting off the rippled, handcrafted silver-leafed ceiling casts a fluid shadow on the floor that evokes images of kandelia. 
The single drop of water under the cantilever changes into the turquoise color of the lake, resembling the azure galaxy in the boundless heaven.


As the gentle breeze sweeps into the reading room that doubles as a café, the sea corals are suspended from the sky like a flower.  The titanium material depicting the motif of kandelia resembles its aerial roots that are exposed after the tide recedes. The aerial roots extend from the ceiling to the French windows and the riverbank in a diagonal fashion.  On the other side, the enormous bell-shaped pendant lights woven from Southeast Asian seaweed embodies a natural, rugged texture, engendering a buoyant, dreamlike vibe.

As the breeze continues, you are greeted by an impeccable, picturesque16:9 landscape as far as the eye can see, seamlessly blending into the natural surrounding and striking a chord in your heart. Whether or not it is an elegant family banquet dining room or the leisurely brunch lounge, you will be able to take in the breathtaking view of the verdant vista outside the window.  The brunch lounge is adorned with cinnabar-colored lacquerware art on the wall complemented by the brushstrokes of the oil painting Deep Blue symbolizing planetary orbits that seem to come to life in the radiant, gleaming world.   
風持續吹動,觸目所及,盡是超完美的16:9 風景比例,與自然共鳴感動。無論是典雅的家宴餐廳、悠然自在的Brunch lounge,皆能遍覽窗外的翠綠。Brunch lounge牆上綴有漆器藝術,以深藍油畫筆觸為底,朱砂色漆器演繹著行星軌跡,於燦亮世界中,翩然舞動。

Water flows naturally. As the azure sky and clouds cast a reflection on the mirrored surface of the infinity pool, kick back and let your mind wander in the world of kandelia.  
Editor / Creative and Research Department 編 輯 /十邑創研部
Date   / Oct 08, 2019 日 期 /2019-10-08

關鍵字:by CCPlan,十邑空間規劃,酒店式公寓,A Design Award ,公設設計,淡水紅樹林,水筆仔

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