日光長廊──鄉林 大境公設B區-雲逸
北投區 鄉林大境
To the splendid moments in the sunlight corridor.
As the gentle breeze whisks in the herbal fragrance of plants from the outside, the bright, open venue basks in the warm sunlight to endow the space with an ambiance unique from that of concrete walls, fulfilling people’s expectations towards life and living environment.
致 • 日光長廊的美好韶光
北投區 鄉林大境
The POSAMO design team created an elegant open bar inside the Shining Resort featuring two rows of floor to ceiling glass doors. There is no distinction between the interior and exterior spaces, so that people’s eyes are free to wander around the environment, whether reading a book or admiring the thriving plumeria rubra, the flow of air is simply refreshing. The floor and bar are adored in Serpeggiante marble, and intricate grains on the stone surface imbue the space with an air of lightness and earthy ambiance. The brown, glassy ceiling features inverted v-shaped lines to extend the vision all the way to the travertine wall, thereby elongating the depth of field in the space.
POSAMO十邑設計於台北鄉林大境打造了一個輕柔典雅的Open Bar,敞開兩排的落地門,沒有內外分野的空間,讓視線能隨意穿梭其中,低頭看書或抬頭欣賞花滿枝椏的雞蛋樹,流動的空氣使人神清氣爽。地面與吧台皆以水晶木紋石包覆,石材表面絲絲入扣的紋理,使空間縈繞著輕盈的大地氣息。茶色鏡面的天花板以倒V型的分割線,讓視線一路延伸至眼前的洞石序列牆,拉長了空間景深。
北投區 鄉林大境
The lighting designer has adorned the top of the bar with a row of hollow, black, and gold pendant lamps to illuminate the environment with soft lighting. According to the POSAMO design team, an inviting leisure space will encourage people to naturally slow down their tempo and quietly appreciate the surrounding ambiance. Leaning against the window reading a Haruki Murakami novel, or order a cup of freshly brewed espresso at the bar, find a lazy afternoon to live the life you desire.
燈光設計師於吧台上方,以一排簍空的黑金吊燈,營造微暈的柔光氛圍,POSAMO十邑設計說 : 一個充滿溫度的休閒空間,會使人們不自覺地放慢腳步,靜靜地感受週遭氛圍。倚著窗邊讀村上春樹的小說;或在吧台區點一杯現磨的espresso,找個悠閒的午後,實現心裡對於美好生活的渴望。
Editor / Creative and Research Department 編輯/十邑創研部
Date   / July 11, 2016 日期/2016-07-11

關鍵字:by CCPlan,十邑空間規劃,酒店式公寓,公設設計,陽明山

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