Expo Milano 2015 - part two
What is the meaning of sustainability? The writer thinks Slovenija pavilion has a good illustration on it.“We do not inherit this world from our parents but borrow it from our next generation. Someday, we will return this world to them, and at that time, this world should be as prosperous as it used to be. That is what sustainability means."
Israel challenges the utilization of agricultural water resources in the desert.
The issue Expo Milano 2015 discusses this year is the problem that Israel has been facing for a long time. Because Israel is located in the dry desert area, and the usable lands and water resources are limited, it has struck for grain production since its founding. Israel plays a 3 Dimensions film to introduce their agricultural development history, from cultivating the dry barren lands to using technology to develop the fertile fields successfully.
Israel has a small and infertile territory, and has a strained relationship with neighboring countries. It turns these adverse congenital environmental conditions into motivation and uses the innovative techniques to solve these problems. In order to use water resources effectively, Israel invents "Drip Irrigation System." This method allows water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, and fertilizes the plants in an effective way at the same time. In addition, due to the limited spaces, Israel grows cherries and tomatoes in the greenhouses with elevated technique, and uses a particular fixed technique to make tomatoes grow upward to increase unit production. Israel uses extremely limited spaces and resources to develop a sophisticated and sustainable agriculture. Israel can not only be self-sufficient but also export their products to all over the world; it turns into a strong agricultural country in the desert.
今年世博探討的議題,是以色列長期以來必須面對的課題。由於位於沙漠乾燥地區,可用的土地與水資源非常有限,以色列從建國以來就不斷地為了糧食生產而努力。以色列利用 3D 影片介紹農業發展史,從開墾乾燥荒蕪的土地開始,到如何藉由科技成功在這片荒土上開拓出富饒的田野。
滋養地球生意盎然-Feeding the planet, energy for life-米蘭世博-十邑--posamo-artepoza-ccplan  design
Italy carries forward the concept of “Slow Food.”
義大利Slow Food發揚慢食觀念
Walking to the end of Expo Milano, a huge snail catches my eye. This Slow Food Pavilion is set up by the famous nonprofit organization “Slow Food” in Italy. The advocacy of Slow Food is compared with fast food; it not only promotes people to enjoy delicacies slowly but also cares about the issues of food history and whether the source of foods is safe, environmentally friendly and humane.
Slow Food was founded in 1986 when the first MacDonald opened in Italy. The founder of Slow Food totally disagreed the food source of MacDonald, the cooking methods of deep-frying, and the concept of finishing a meal quickly. He was worried that MacDonald would have a great influence on Italy; as a result, he established a nonprofit organization to promote a better eating habit. There are lots of comparative pictures in this pavilion, for example, a person eats fast food and plays smart phone as opposed to a crowd of people eating on the dining table. Another example is that chickens are kept in the cage and unable to move as opposed to chickens which are able to move freely.
走到世博會場的盡頭,目光馬上被一隻大大的蝸牛所吸引,這是義大利知名的非營利組織Slow Food所成立的慢食館。慢食議題是相對於速食所提倡,除了呼籲慢慢享用美食之外,也包含關心食物的歷史以及食材來源是否安全、環保、人道等議題。
Slow Food 成立的時空背景就是 1986年第一家麥當勞在義大利開張,創辦人完全不認同麥當勞的食材來源、以油炸為
The amazing statistics of food waste.
The global food waste of a year occupies thirty percent of farmland and results in 3.3 billion tons of carbon dioxide which accelerates the rate of global warming. This statistics does not include the resource-wasting of water, land, energy, laborers and capital resulting from food manufacture and food transport. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs forecasts that the world population will reach about 9.7 billion in 2015. If people keep wasting the soil and earth resources, it will be a difficult task to provide everyone enough foods.
According to the report of food waste from FAO, in developed countries, such as Europe and North America, each person wastes 95 to 115 kilograms of foods per year; in Africa, East Asia and Southeast Asia, each person wastes 6 to 11 kilograms of foods per year. Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C. indicates that calculating the volume of food waste in Taiwan, each person wastes approximately 121 kilograms of foods per year.
Why on earth people waste so many foods? Food waste in developing countries is mostly due to the lag of technology resulting in the high rate of food consumption, and the inefficiency of food production; however, food waste in developed countries is because people cannot finish all the foods or the foods cannot be sold out.
全球一年浪費的食物佔用 30 % 的農地,製造33億公噸的二氧化碳加速全球暖化,此統計還不包括食物從生產、製作到運送的過程中,水資源、土地、能源、勞工和資本等資源浪費。 聯合國經濟社會事務處於2015年預測2050年世界人口將多達97億,如果農地的地力與地球資源持續被浪費,屆時提供足夠的糧食將成為艱鉅的任務。
根據聯合國糧食及農業組織的全球糧食耗損與糧食浪費報告,在歐洲和北美等已開發國家,每人每年約浪費 95~115公斤的糧食;在非洲、東亞及東南亞,每人每年糧食浪費約6 ~ 11公斤;中華民國環保署表示,從臺灣廚餘量推算國人平均每人每年浪費約121公斤。到底為什麼會浪費那麼多食物呢 ?開發中國家的糧食浪費多半是由於技術落後導致糧食耗損率高,生產沒有效率,但已開發國家卻是是因為吃不完或是賣不出去,而將可以食用的食物白白的浪費。
People can start from trivial things to care about the food issue.
Expo Milano 2015 prompts the writer to many unprecedented thoughts, and he hopes after the exposition, the food issue can continue to be concerned. The writer gives the readers some recommendations, and we can embark on the following three points.
1.Being concerned on the source of foods: Try to choose the foods produced and processed locally, and this can reduce the pollution and wastage resulting from food manufacture and food transport. The future supermarkets in exposition detailedly provide the source of foods, carbon footprints, and nutritional values so that consumers can choose foods with caution.
2.Plant edible landscaping: Cultivate basil, mushrooms, tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts, etc., which are easy to grow at home. It can not only beautify the environment and increase the enjoyment of life but also ensure the food security. Pluck as much as you eat to reduce the wastage caused by overconsumption.
3.Make good use of foods: People can follow the ingenuous example from the era of material deprivation. The leftovers from last night can be made into the tasty fried rice; the stale toast with egg cream and powdered sugar can be made into the famous French toast. With these inspirations, people can make leftovers into classical cuisines.
2.栽種可食景觀: 在家栽種九層塔、菇類、番茄、苜蓿芽…等較好栽種的食材,不但可以美化環境、增加生活的樂趣,更能確保食材的安全性,用多少摘多少,降低因為過度消費造成的浪費。
3.充分利用食材:可效法物質匱乏年代的智慧,隔夜飯加上剩菜可以炒成香噴噴的炒飯、不新鮮的土司抹上蛋液加上糖粉可以煎成遠近馳名的法式吐司、硬掉的棍子麵包加上番茄可以煮成義式麵包粥… 如此巧思就可以讓差點成為廚餘的食材搖身一變成為經典料理。
Editor  /  Creative and Research Department 編    輯  /  十邑創研部
Pictures and Article  /  OPTOGO 圖、文   /  OPTOGO
Date  /  12-17-2015 日    期  /  2015-12-17


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