POSAMO Design Award • 半畝塘兼具生態與文化的設計【建築講座】
The Design of Banmu Tang – Combining Ecology and Culture
This site is situated on a col with winding streams and old irrigation ditches, and includes Da-Ping-Wo Village, which is situated near mountains, and the Ruo-Shan Apartments, which respond to the needs of the city and the sustainable development of the environment. The overall objective is to create a sustainable support system. On March 14, 2016, manager of Banmu Tang Environmental Integration Group, Jian Wei De , was invited by POSAMO and the Department of Architecture of Feng Chia University to guide students to reflect on the relationship between residence and land.
Da-Ping-Wo is home to a stream that acts as the border of the village. The outside area of the village is constructed with a method that allows drainage, therefore it is often filled with water, creating porosities that allow the formation of micro-ecologies. Da-Ping-Wo Village is also a collective farmhouse, with specially reserved land for long-term farming. Natural farming methods, which include no crop rotation, no plowing, and no fertilizer, is introduced into this area, so that the land can be treated with kindness, producing agriculture food. Tree species are selected by each household according to the 24 solar terms so that trees blossom in the natural sequence of the seasons. Low lighting is applied throughout Da-Ping-Wo Village, with lanterns of family crests designed according to the imagery of “buds in Spring and flowers in Summer, leaves in Autumn and stored crops in Winter”, glowing at night while awaiting the master’s return.
大平窩村基地有一條野溪區隔村內與村外,村外區域皆以「包心砌法 」紓緩排水功能,此處長期有水,產生孔隙,形成生態。窩村特別留了菜園給住民長期耕作,在此導入自然農法 :不輪作、不翻耕、不施肥,目的是友善土地,達成農食。另順著二十四節氣,每戶挑選因應時節的樹種種植,戶戶節氣家樹依時開花結果,隨著時序自然變化 。在窩村也實施低度照明,以四季樣態「春萌夏花、秋葉冬藏」的意象打造門前的家徽燈,入夜後,家燈便亮起等候主人返家。
Nature is brought into the city, while people are guided back into nature. The name “Ruo-Shan” literally means “like a mountain”, expressing the design concept of a mountain amidst the city, and emphasizing the sustainable development of the environment. The combination of nature and architecture slows the heat island effect. In each household, the number of rooms is reduced by one in order to leave room to plant trees in the offset terraces, vertically connecting the highest resident to the horizontal greenery on ground level. The comprehensive and natural 3D green building design achieves a 150% greening ratio, increasing carbon fixation to 5.6 times its original amount. Ruo-Shan is a green resting station for winged creatures in the midst of the city.
Kiln stoves are fueled with fallen branches, while mud rooms are constructed using natural materials. Environmentally-friendly manure fermentation restrooms are built with dry-moist separation techniques. These sustainable systems all respond to the belief in a harmonious co-existence between man and nature. In truth, nature is never absent; harmony with nature enables the realization that some things are not as great as they seem. However, to stop and appreciate the moment is a truly beautiful experience….
Editor   / Creative and Research Department 編      輯/ 十邑創研部
Images / Banmu Tang Environmental Integration Group 圖片提供 / 半畝塘環境整合集團
Date     / June 21, 2016 日      期/ 2016-06-21


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