Landscape Design
Lobby Design
甲山林 天藝公設
甲山林-天藝-FX International Interior Design Award
FX International Interior Design Award winner “Palace Ocean” is the common facility of Jay San Lyn’s Danhai New Town residential area “Tien Yi”.
榮獲英國FX國際室內設計大獎( FX International Interior Design Award )的「Palace Ocean」為甲山林位於淡海新市鎮住「天藝」公共設施設計。
The concept of unique local intertidal ecology and flowing water derives from observing the local natural environment, culture, and history, presented with the special image of layering waves. From the lobby to the 100-meter pathway leading to various functional spaces, the space provides an atmosphere that is as if a person is immersed in nature. The ceiling is designed like waves and presents multiple styles with the change of spacing material. The design also allows outdoor views to enter, breaking interior and exterior boundaries and extending visual enjoyment. 
POSAMO 十邑設計透過觀察當地自然環境、人文、歷史後,以當地特殊生態之潮間帶與水的流動為概念發想,賦予空間宛如波浪般層層推波的意象,從門廳一路穿越100 米廊道延伸到各處機能空間,令人彷彿置身於大自然的氛圍中。浪般的造型天花板,經由變換空間材料,讓天花板幻化成千匯萬狀的多樣風格,並將戶外景觀引入室內突破了空間維的疆界,讓視覺享受無限蔓延。
The entire spacing is arranged in homocentric squares, with semi-open pathways linking spaces and surrounding the courtyard pool. With reusable green building materials combined with natural wind and pool steam, the temperature is regulated through air convection to save energy and achieve environmental protection.
Editor / Creative and Research Department 編輯/十邑創研部
Date   / September 1, 2015 日期/2015-09-01

關鍵字:by CCPlan,十邑空間規劃,酒店式公寓,FX award,Palace Ocean,淡水區,海灣區

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