Landscape Design
Lobby Design
森聯 上河園公設–下篇
The semi-circular ceiling is made of purple brown Millettia laurentii of different shapes. The stylish and graceful colors interpret the relaxing atmosphere of Zhouziyang Drinking Bar;whenever the genial sunlight passes through the French windows into the Drinking Bar, it makes people immersed in this fantastic space.
紫褐色深淺相間成紋的古雞翅木,拼接成扇形成拱的天花造型,巧妙地避開設計阻礙,空間籠罩優美豔麗的魅力,詮釋森聯上河園Drinking Bar的慵懶情境;延續至地的大面玻璃窗,當暖陽穿透,讓人馳騁於解放感官的異想世界。
The magnificent ceiling of banquet hall is made of the materials with silver foil texture and with the mirror frame on its four sides, the whole space emits an elegant aura. At night, sitting on the dove grey seats and having dinner with the greenery outside the windows are the enjoyment of life.
The bottom of boundless Sky Pool is made of azure and white mosaic tiles, and the patterns are sometimes like the spray of water but sometimes like the fish gathering together. Looking up the ceiling, there are streamline lights which are like crooked rivers hiding in the tidy grilles, and this design creates an easy and comfortable atmosphere.The theme of children’s game room is ocean paradise. The blue bookcase is like the waves on the ocean; the seats in the shape of whale and sea lion are like playing with kids in the underwater world; the cave on the lighthouse becomes a space for kids to hide and seek. The colorful furnishings make the room lively and full of enthusiasm.
Sky Pool的無邊際水景是POSAMO 十邑設計最能被辨識的符碼,池底拼以湛藍色與純白的馬賽克磚,拼花造型像是水花飛濺的瞬間或是魚兒群聚的歡樂;抬頭,一根根排列整齊的格柵,巧妙地留下蜿蜒的燈溝,流線型的光源創造與之自在共泳的流暢感。小孩遊戲室以海洋樂園為主題,一抹藍色書櫃帶出海上浪潮,鯨魚、海獅調皮的座椅與你嬉戲,共同徜徉海底世界;燈塔洞穴指引捉迷藏的方向,繽紛的色彩在木質空間跳耀,細膩的溫柔中充滿熱情。
Editor / Creative and Research Department 編輯/十邑創研部
Date   / March 01, 2016 日期/2016-03-01


關鍵字:by CCPlan,十邑空間規劃,酒店式公寓,公設設計,新北市,五股洲子洋

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