Twin Oaks
Old oaks have unique leaves, charming appearance, tall trunks and coiled branches. As the silhouette of foliage falls on the ground, it forms a pure and simple totem branded on the floor of Twin Oaks F 1 area.
The building’s gate is like an invulnerable shield. The hollow rectangles on the gate create a sense of three-dimensionality; also, with the black rivets arranged randomly on this black gate, it makes this elegant gate full of ancient European flavor.
守護建築的城堡大門像是堅不可摧的盾牌,外凸局部挖空的矩形創造了立體感,再以散列鉚釘扣合金屬黑昭和色,透露濃厚古歐洲的粗獷細緻。 |
The POSAMO design team hundreds of bronze oak seeds are sprinkled on the wall, and locked in the prearranged steel nails. The designing inspiration of reception counters comes from British classic suitcases and it shows the fashionable travel art.
POSAMO十邑設計將數百顆銅製橡樹種子灑上壁面,一顆顆鎖上預留下來的鋼釘,錯落有致的橡樹子大畫油然而生。左右相對的接待櫃檯,靈感來自英國古典的行李箱,仿古的銅製鑲環是歐洲精品工藝的時尚藝術。 |
Several small crystal star lights hanging on the ceiling glitter like the Milky Way and shed a low-luxury but warm light. The patterns in a contrasting black and white tones on the floor are like tens of thousands of stars twinkling in the dark night sky.
數顆小巧的星形透明玻璃從天而降,猶如外太空銀河的閃爍,散發低調奢華的光芒;呼應地坪鸚鵡螺的衝突紋理,像千萬顆星恣意飛奔漆黑的夜,展現特有狂想姿態。 |
The bottom of Sky Pool is made from a large number of blue mosaic tiles. People can sit on the romantic deck chair and feel the cool splash from the pool. The mirror-like blue water is like the boundless ocean.
Sky Pool 以湛藍的馬賽克拼貼,向著陽,坐臥浪漫躺椅上感受深藍色清涼飛濺,鏡面水將純藍不斷延伸,彷彿大海般無邊無際。
The walls of driveway are made of the stones with metallic luster, so driving in this driveway, people can feel the different changes of light and shade. It is like an art gallery full of beauty.
帶有金屬光澤質感的材質縱情陣列在車道,行駛通過於不同的定點,能感受不同的光影變化,壁面元素以相同的方式繼續緊密相鄰組合,每一步都是獨特的極美構圖。 |
Editor / Creative and Research Department |
編 輯 /十邑創研部 |
Date / Nov 15, 2017 |
日 期 /2017-11-15 |