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Roaming freely in art, mind, and obsession – An inextricable infatuation-part 2
We talked about the road that to becoming an artist. Wen-Fu Yu previously attended the R.O.C Air Force Academy, but was heavily influenced by his family’s craft factory during his childhood. He used to help out in the factory and learned the art of bamboo weaving. He also likes creating graffiti, and never forgot his love for art during his years in the Air Force Academy. In 1999, he left everything behind and traveled to London to attend the University of the Arts London and Kent Institute of Art and Design. Wen-Fu Yu stated that: “I had no idea that the knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics learned during my time studying at the Air Force Academy would become useful in the Pavilion of Dreams. This is the mystery of life.” When talking about the creative material goose feather, Yu stated enthusiastically: “The imagery of wind, air, and sound can be naturally stirred through feathers, bringing a consciousness of existence to individuals. Therefore, I strive to create landscape art that is in harmony with land and nature, while vast fields of vision provide infinite imagination.”
聊到老師藝術家這條路的過程,其實本身是念空軍官校出身,但從小耳濡目染在自家的竹工藝廠幫忙,學習到編織竹工藝技法,也喜歡塗鴉創作,在讀軍校生涯中一直沒有忘情藝術, 1999 年,放下所有,遠赴倫敦藝術學院及肯特藝術學院研究。游文富老師說:「沒想到當年在空軍官校所學的熱力學、動力學,在夢想館都派上用場,這是人生經歷的奧妙。」談到了創作的媒材─鵝羽毛,老師神采飛揚地說:「風、空氣、聲音的意象,能透過羽毛的自然觸動,傳遞給人存在感。因此創造出適地適性融合的地景藝術,壯闊的視野擁有許多的想像空間。」
Wen-Fu Yu was funded by the 2002 Asian Cultural Council, and traveled to San Francisco and New York. Looking back at the days he lived as an artist-in-residence, Yu stated: “Their attitude was so open, to the extent that you could not believe artistic creation could be like this. Three of the cooks where I stayed in San Francisco had Masters’ Degrees in music. When they performed in the open studio, they made a large wooden box with slides underneath as in a bowling alley. The three of them pushed the box as if giving an art performance. I did not realize back then that this was creativity, but it was very powerful. Later on, I realized that ongoing passion is the origin of creating art!”
2002年獲得亞洲文化協會獎助計畫,赴美國舊金山及紐約藝術村創作及參訪。回憶駐村的日子,老師說 :「當地開放到令人無法相信藝術的創作竟然是這麼一回事,當時在舊金山的廚師有三個音樂碩士,他們在open studio發表時,在保齡球場上做了底下有滑軌的大木箱子,三個人就這樣推著,彷彿在表演藝術一樣,當時候不能參透這就叫做創作,但卻非常有power,後來才知道持續創作的熱情不斷,這才創作的根源!」
Invitations to create artwork and exhibitions have come from all over the world in recent years, such as luxury brand Hermes and an exhibition for Mercedes-Benz. The artist has been given the name “Godfather of international installation art.” This year, Yu worked with contemporary art and local art associations in the landscape art exhibition in New York’s Central Park and the Queen’s Museum plaza. This exhibition presented large artworks that were shipped from overseas. It received an enthusiastic international response and was immensely popular among local viewers. Great art from Taiwan was seen by the world!
Wen-Fu Yu stated earnestly: “The essence of creating art is to persevere and complete the work, regardless of difficulties and hardships; this is the presentation of true love. Do something natural wholeheartedly and passionately, and the accumulated energy will pass through generations.” Sunlight fell onto the manuscripts. Yu said: “This is a new work composed of light and shadow at Nantou’s Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art, named “You Yi Feng”. Created with the changing light within the building, shadows and landscape shades are presented through transparent acrylic that is like air and feather stems. Reality and illusion engage in conversation with the Jiou-Jiou Peaks outdoors; the answer is within!” Only an authentic expression of creativity brings works that can touch the viewer; this is also true with nature, landscape, love, and the self.
Editor   / Creative and Research Department 編       輯/十邑創研部
Images/ Wen-Fu Yu 圖片提供/游文富藝術工作室
Date     / June 16, 2016 日       期/2016-06-16


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