穿梭在解構主義裡的鋼鐵柔情 - 下篇
Steely tenderness within deconstructionism-Part 2
席時斌-荷魯斯-命運的鳳尾獅鷲   Hsi Shih-Pin-Horus--The Fatal Gryphon with Phoenix tail
Mr. Hsi studied mathematics and spatial design in university and only ventured into the field of sculpting at the College of Fine Arts, TNUA. Looking back, digital media art was more popular in art circles at the time and fewer people chose traditional sculpting. Graduated in 2007, he has won countless awards at a young age and collaborated with numerous well-known labels. He was shortlisted for “Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Awards in Taiwan – 3D Creative Collection,” “Taiwan International Wood Sculpture Competition” as well as the 2007 “Outstanding Art Prize of School of Fine Arts” held by TNUA etc. As a result, he focused on taking a very unconventional path to art.
席時斌老師在大學曾念數學與空間設計,到了國立臺北藝術大學造形研究所才轉入雕塑領域,回憶當時藝術圈比較熱衷數位媒體藝術,從事傳統的雕塑製作反而冷門。2007年剛畢業,年輕的他即得獎無數,也與多家知名品牌合作,先後入選「臺灣美術新貌獎—立體創作系列」、「台灣國際木雕競賽」、 2007年國立臺北藝術大學「美術創作卓越獎」等,讓他更專注於走與別人不一樣的藝術之路。
席時斌老師 Hsi Shih-pin
Mr. Hsi’s creations can be traced back to his childhood, according to him “My mother is an outstanding seamstress, so I was playing with needles, threads, scissors and knives at a very young age, therefore I feel particularly at ease with the sharp, piercing and tearing imageries.” Despite often being cut by sharp objects during the process of construction and deconstruction, he nonetheless finds tremendous joy in the activity, just like a child finding excitement from cutting, pasting and assembling. Consequently, he developed a unique sentiment for handicraft from those childhood memories, and he realized that cultivating a unique forte is the key element to maintaining competitiveness.
馬不停蹄的超越時空 Relentlessly striving to transcend space and time
When you are admiring Mr. Hsi’s artworks, you are also appreciating yourself at the same time, because art is not only therapeutic, it also enables people to gain a clearer perspective of themselves. When you see your reflection on the mirror-like stainless steel surface, your body and vision are suddenly sucked into the artwork and you become one with the artwork! By opening the time tunnel and during the process of cutting, shattering and stacking, the constant deconstruction and construction cycle finally reveals a path to beauty, where dreams and reality are only divided by a fine line.
席時斌作品左起依序為-聖母 / 符號與記憶之馬 / 烏忽古 鐵窗花小鳳鳥
According to Mr. Hsi “For the Hermès project, I completed 32 window displays throughout the country in 2 months; since I really love horse creations, I have done numerous horse sketches before and have gained thorough understanding about its body structure. Therefore, when I am drawing something I am really passionate about, I become rather paranoid.” Roaming between sense and sensibility and the grey area between technology and mythology, creating phantoms has become Mr. Hsi’s specialty, where he has forged the vacuous concepts of the spiritual world into tangible, timeless art and continues to explore the unpredictable realm of surrealism.
Editor  /Creative and Research Department 編       輯/十邑創研部
Image /Hsi Shih-Pin 照片提供/席時斌工作室
Date   /July 28, 2016 日      期/2016-07-28


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