穿梭在解構主義裡的鋼鐵柔情 - 上篇
Steely tenderness within deconstructionism-Part 1
席時斌Hsi Shih-pin-柏拉圖的靈魂馬車
In the afternoon with pouring rain, the POSAMO design team visited artist Hsi Shih-pin’s steel workshop located in a traditional industrial park in New Taipei City. The hammering sound inside the workshop mingles with the sound of raindrops, and the hazy smoke permeating the air evokes of images of the secret base in the movie Real Steel. One cannot help but become excited about the adventure. Step inside the workshop, the red stallion presented us with a visual shock, and Mr. Hsi enthusiastically found the window display he designed for HERMÈS. The handcrafted horse head hat that was worn on the head of the manikin at the time and the mysterious, quirky mythology of the horse-headed man has raised the curtain for our magical adventure.
席時斌Hsi Shih-pin-馬之戲劇:愛情之馬
席時斌老師 Hsi Shih-pin
This stallion sculpture that has an elegant demeanor, thinking, and organizational skills was created by Mr. Hsi Shih-pin, who is one of the very few artists in the country well versed in installation art, sculpture, and international boutiques. Having collaborated with HERMÈS, Louis Vuitton, Ferrari, and Mercedes Benz, he has also worked with the iconic construction project in Neihu, Taipei – The Cullinan. Moreover, he has participated in numerous domestic and international public installation art exhibitions, and he was also the resident artist for overseas artist villages. His creations are collected by the NCAF and the Peninsula Paris. Exuberating with the majestic demeanor of a king, his artworks dominate the fantasy world that transcends space and time, where boundless imagination takes the audience on a galactic journey through the universe. The creativity of Mr. Hsi has transformed sleek, skeletonized stainless steel into flowing, tender emotions under the lights.
席時斌Hsi Shih-pin-柏拉圖的靈魂馬車
席時斌Hsi Shih-pin-野性的寓言
“Neptune - The Path of Imagination” is Mr. Hsi’s most recent solo exhibition at the Taitung Art Museum, where the love story between Poseidon and Medusa is used as the introductory artwork. The composition of “Buck of Freedom” took nearly an entire year. The value of freedom serves as the forward momentum to vividly depict the ancient mythology. European moose, Asian sika deer, Formosan sambar deer, and the high-tech virtual deer converge to form the outline of a horn under different cultural connotations, symbolizing the crown of glory. The diverse materials used in the exhibition consist of laser and classic pottery craft, where various animal shapes portray the legendary story as if it is a glamorous adventure.
Editor  /Creative and Research Department 編       輯/十邑創研部
Image /Hsi Shih-Pin 照片提供/席時斌工作室
Date   /July 25, 2016 日      期/2016-07-25


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