
三三築大半九十 吉日上樑典 虔誠祈福願

壬寅年立夏時節,三三築大半九十於5月17日吉時,舉行上樑儀典。由姜慶弘董事主持典禮,率建設主管虔誠祝禱。 寬立堡營造翁總經理,率工程人員,細心張羅,典禮圓滿完成。 ...

聯聚理仁 十邑設計 美學住宅

  胡桃木勾勒人文質地,呈顯空間溫潤之姿。希臘白延展行旅思索,鋪排家宴美好記憶。 ...

冠德 羅斯福 公設 ── 擁抱天空‧閱讀四季 (上)
The Roosevelt Mansion - Embrace the Sky and the Four seasons -Part 1

Wings Spread - Immersed in Art and Culture Situated on the cultural epicenter of Roosev...

冠德 羅斯福 公設 ── 擁抱天空‧閱讀四季 (下)
The Roosevelt Mansion - Embrace the Sky and the Four seasons -Part 2

Dynamic Gym - Blossom Restaurant The musical notes on the floor of the Dynamic ...

長虹天璽 公設 ──森林城堡 牡丹之舞 (下)
The Dance of Peony-part2

The front courtyard on the first floor has a large area of garden and pond, and the backyard is built with fores...

長虹天璽 公設 ──十邑設計摘下紐約設計大獎 森林城堡 牡丹之舞(上)
The Dance of Peony-part1

Chong Hong Tian-Si is located in the Neihu District of Taipei City. The district is surrounded b...

昇陽 十里華公設——爵士樂音,悠揚時光
Jazz Music and A Moment of Leisure—Gentry Mansion

  You can see some bold brown lines embedded on the ground. The design looks just like...

茂德 碧波白公設──寄情山水,徜徉自然

  The water slowly ripples in Bitan Lake, where you can see a chain of undulating ridg...

潮之生 ── 青島涵碧行館山別墅 (A)
Inspired by the ocean - The Lalu Qingdao Villa A

  A picturesque sea view surrounds the building. From the vestibule t...

展讀四季──青島涵碧行館山別墅 (B)
Surrounded by a serene landscape - The Lalu Qingdao Villa B


三三築大 半九十公設 ──魯冰花映星辰 四季紅歌日月
33 Mega – The Lupin Pavilion -Dancing with Lupin on the Mirror Pool

The Lupin Pavilion is located in Aspire Park in Longtan, Taoyuan. It’s located next to the head ...

三三築大半九十 勇奪國際四大獎

  POSAMO首席設計師王勝正,以滋養大地茶園的魯冰花為靈感,打造The Lupin Pavilion-半九十。 聚焦&rd...